
Mead Johnson Disaster Relief Overview – A Record-Setting Month

Posted on Oct. 2nd, 2017 at 9:45am

This past September saw a slew of natural disasters, from hurricanes to earthquakes. The Mead Johnson team responded quickly to requests for assistance, working closely with the American Red Cross as well as other aid organizations. Read on for an overview of our efforts.


Even before the Hurricane Harvey began its historic assault on Texas, Mead Johnson made preparations to be able to quickly respond to the anticipated disaster. Following a request from the American Red Cross, the team mobilized quickly to get a donation of water, formulas, bottles, and nipples to the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston. The shipment included 500 cases of products, enough for over 18,000 feedings.


Mead Johnson colleagues worked with the American Red Cross in response to Hurricane Irma, the most intense hurricane observed in the Atlantic in over a decade. In anticipation of the storm, the MJN team mobilized to assemble and ship two disaster relief donations – one to Augusta, GA and the other to Orlando, FL. Each shipment totaled 500 cases of product, including enough Enfamil and Nutramigen formula for more than 18,000 feedings. Also included with each were 65 cases of accessories, such as bottles and nipples.


Mexico was hit with two devastating earthquakes in September. The more powerful of the two struck off the southern coast on September 7, damaging thousands of homes and causing more than 100 deaths in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. Mead Johnson's team in Mexico was in immediate contact with government officials in anticipation of the need for essential nutrition products for children impacted by the event. Word came back from the Mexican Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA) that milk modifiers – such as Choco Milk and Cal-C-Tose, with their added vitamins and nutrients – would be of the most benefit. Our team sprang into action; and by the following Saturday, September 14, the products were rolling into the SEDENA warehouse facility. MJN delivered more than one million servings of these high-demand products for immediate distribution to support the nutritional needs of young victims in Oaxaca and Chiapas. Just a few days later, on September 19, Mexico City bore the brunt of another major earthquake, which toppled dozens of buildings and resulted in more than 300 deaths. MJN team members in the Mexico City area immediately organized a collection drive to help victims of the earthquake. On September 27 the team donated close to 500 items to the Mexican Red Cross Collection Center, ranging from canned food to blankets to cleaning supplies. A comprehensive damage assessment is still underway, and the local team is prepared to provide further assistance as additional needs are identified.

Puerto Rico

Early on Wednesday, September 20, Hurricane Maria, a powerful Category 4 hurricane with 150 mph winds, made direct landfall on Puerto Rico, bisecting the island, drenching it with rain, and leaving the majority of the 3.4 million citizens with no power, clean water, or food. The Mead Johnson team in CARCA has been working with the American Red Cross to address the most pressing needs, already having donated close to 500 cases of infant formula to the relief efforts. As the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico is expected to continue for an extended period, we are keeping in contact with relief agencies and authorities to understand how we can best support infants and children who remain in fragile and vulnerable circumstances.